Thursday, April 19, 2012


I tend to over think things. Anything I begin be it relationships or a good meal will fester in the back of my head until it becomes this convoluted tangle ending in something completely different from where it started. I also let things fester. A friend once told me "to cut the fat" and though I know its valuable advice putting it into action is well, hard.

Over a conversation at dinner someone asked a bunch of us when the last time was that we actually spent with just ourselves, unplugged and alone. Looking back at the past few months I cant find a single instance where its happened. The weekend is going to be spent sorting stuff out, a sort of spring cleaning of my mind. Hopefully I will come out sparkly and not a blithering mess but one will never know until one actually tries.

Quarter life crisis does however lead to finding a whole bunch of new music. down here are two bands that are currently festering(music is allowed, i think). The first one is a band called Gramatik. I seem to be on a lucky streak with finding entire albums that I love and Beatz and pieces vol. 1 is the latest one. As if it couldn't get any better, this one man band produces under the Pretty lights label which means you can download his album for free here.

The next is a band called Blackmill, something I stumbled upon on an 8tracks mix. It is a darker sound but perfect to mull over. enjoy.

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